Quotation System

The quotation system allows you to receive quotes (prices) from transport companies.

Your company needs to be registered at the FreeCargo community to be able to use the quotation system.
To check if your company is registered: CLICK HERE.
If your company is not registered, please use the Register link at the bottom of that page.

How it works

Use the form below to send a RFQ (explanation follows):
The email address after Send to is where the RFQ is send to.
By selecting Contacts you can also send the RFQ to your regular contacts and groups.

Receivers of your RFQ are able to react and enter the price they will charge for your transport. You will be notified by email about that.



  • From and To. Here you can select the city or town where your transport goes from and to. Start by typing the first three of four letters of the city, or use the map by clicking the arrow button directly behind it.
    You can also enter a pickup and delivery date and for instance the number of stops, if applicable.
  • Goods. Type or select the type of goods and the characteristics of the goods to be transported.
  • Modality. Select the modality and the type of equipment you require from a transporter to do your job.
  • Remarks. Type additional requirements and other information the transporter might need to give you a quote.
  • Contact. Your name, phone and email address for the receiver to know how to contact you.
  • Send to. Email address ot the transporter where the RFQ is send to.
  • Send to Contacts. Use this to send the RFQ to multiple receivers at ones. Use the Edit contacts button to enter these receivers. Probably the group of transporters you regularly use.
  • Send to Others. This is only available for members of the FreeCargo community of transporters. If you select this and someone in the community (> 17.000 members) is at or near the pickup location, with the required equipment, they will receive your RFQ and might help you to do the job.

Action buttons

  • Submit. Send the RFQ.
  • Save as default. Store the data for the next time you use this form. If you regularly ask for the same transport (goods and equipment) then this button might be handy to have everything already filled in.
  • Clear form. Blank all data in the form.
  • Show recipients. Tip! This shows the transport companies that will receive your RFQ, normally your Contacts. You can see that not all of them will receive your RFQ. Either because they don't have the equipment you ask for, or they don't go to the destination you want your goods to go to. You are able to overrule this by clicking the DO NOT SEND link and it will automatically change into SEND).

RFQ overview

All RFQ's you have added you can find back in the RFQ overview.

  • With the button New RFQ you can add a new RFQ.
  • The first button_info.png button shows you the details of this RFQ.
    • More specifications about the type of goods that has to be transported and requests how to transport it.
    • All received quotes about this RFQ are also listed here.
  • The button_edit.png button gives you the opportunity to modify your RFQ.
    • This option is only available when you represent the owner of this offer.
  • With the button_delete.png button you can delete your RFQ.
  • Clicking the button_map.png buttons shows you the pick-up or delivery location at the map.
  • Status can be free or private.
    • If the offer is labelled free, then it comes from the public exchange.
    • If the offer is labelled private, then the offer is exclusively sent from a member of your contacts.
  • In the column Last quote, the last added quote to the offer is shown (note: not always the highest quote)
  • The second button_info.png button gives you information about the person or company that added this RFQ.
  • By request we can delete or add any column to this grid.

Edit contacts

This is where you can build your own private communities of reliable partners.

  • Here you decide who are allowed to do jobs and send you quotes.
  • Here you can find partners you already know, or find new partners.
  • Here you can see what they do, what equipment they have and to which destinations they go.
More information here: Contacts

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
PNGpng RFQoverview.png r1 manage 107.4 K 2021-03-19 - 12:54 RutgerRutgers RFQ overview
PNGpng button_delete.png r1 manage 0.8 K 2021-03-19 - 13:14 RutgerRutgers delete
PNGpng button_edit.png r1 manage 0.6 K 2021-03-19 - 13:14 RutgerRutgers  
PNGpng button_info.png r1 manage 0.6 K 2021-03-19 - 13:14 RutgerRutgers  
PNGpng button_map.png r1 manage 0.7 K 2021-03-19 - 13:14 RutgerRutgers  
PNGpng RFQform.png r1 manage 45.8 K 2021-01-13 - 11:21 HenkRoelofs RFQ form

This topic: Cargooffice > QuotationSystem
Topic revision: r8 - 2021-03-19 - RutgerRutgers
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