Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
GIFgif pda00.gif r1 manage 12.0 K 2008-02-26 - 09:23 HenkRoelofs PDA example
GIFgif pda01.gif r3 r2 r1 manage 21.5 K 2008-02-25 - 12:32 HenkRoelofs add node button
GIFgif pda02.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 28.0 K 2008-02-25 - 15:04 HenkRoelofs Dispatch
GIFgif pda03.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 15.2 K 2008-02-25 - 18:20 HenkRoelofs  
GIFgif pda04.gif r2 r1 manage 33.3 K 2008-02-25 - 18:19 HenkRoelofs delivery details
PNGpng newsTxt3-4.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2018-12-20 - 10:12 RutgerRutgers trips
PNGpng newsTxt3-6.png r1 manage 14.7 K 2018-12-20 - 10:01 RutgerRutgers work report
PNGpng pdaSignatureProcess.png r1 manage 55.7 K 2018-12-20 - 10:51 RutgerRutgers signature process

This topic: Cargooffice > AboutFreecargo > FreightExchangeHowto > WebHome > TracktraceDocumentation > ElectronicSignature > PdaDescription
Topic revision: r15 - 2018-12-20 - RutgerRutgers
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